Article May 31, 2022
Using Sustainable Soils Management Practices in Construction
DirtMarket is an expert soils management provider with extensive experience in soil sampling and soil import and export solutions.
Soils management seems like a niche market in construction, right? Well, material waste is one of the most difficult factors to control in construction projects of all sizes. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that total waste from construction-related projects was double that of municipal waste from households and businesses in 2018—and the United States already produces the most household waste by volume of any country.
Not only can soil add to construction waste, but if the soil isn’t tested properly for contaminants of concern such as pesticides, metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and more, it can lead to significant effects on human health, groundwater, terrestrial habitats, the sustainability of what’s being built, etc. In addition, state and county regulations require that all soil must be tested, reviewed, and documented when it is hauled to a new location.
Soil regulations are becoming stricter each year, and enforcement of these regulations is growing. If soil gets hauled to a property that doesn’t have a permit or acceptance criteria, then city or county regulators can and will have the soil removed at the expense of the owner of the export site. If contaminated or hazardous material is found in soil, it can be the generator or project owner’s responsibility. Both scenarios can cost extra time and money.
There’s a clear gap in the industry’s standard practice of soil use and the current regulation of soil disposal and soil re-use, and that’s where DirtMarket can help. DirtMarket provides industry-leading knowledge on current soil sampling and acceptance guidelines. Because all soil is required to be tested and hauled to the appropriate facility, based on the soil’s test results, the soil may be used to haul to another project or site for clean re-use (aka recycled) or it may need to go to a landfill. DirtMarket manages this process from start to finish, ensuring that, based on the soil’s data, it’s hauled to the correct facilities, thus minimizing any risk.
DirtMarket offers pricing for export or import of soil and aggregate as well as proper testing for submittal and approvals documentation, all with unparalleled service. We put the environment first, valuing the re-use of clean soil and the importance of sustainable, green practices – all while finding the best solution for our clients, saving them both time and money.
If you’re interested in learning more about DirtMarket or the sites we manage, contact us.
About DirtMarket
DirtMarket is a subsidiary of Preston Companies that specialize in developing cost-effective sustainable soil solutions that minimize contaminated export and maximize clean soil export. DirtMarket utilizes its broad network and soils market insights to find the most cost-effective source for clean soil, meeting a variety of environmental screening levels and geotechnical properties.
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Whether you have an inquiry about our services, pricing, needing engineering expertise, or anything else, our team is ready to answer all of your questions.