Contact Us
Contact Us
Preston Companies
133 Bothelo Avenue
Milpitas, CA 95035
(phone) 408-262-1418
(fax) 408-262-1870
Preston Companies (Central Valley)
3780 Commerce Drive
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(phone) (916) 386-1500
(fax) (916) 386-7531
1746 The Alameda
San Jose, CA 95126
(phone) 408-262-1418
(fax) 408-262-1870
Request More Info
Fill out the form below to request more information or to request a quote.
* Required
Emergency Repairs
Dean Pires, Dispatcher
Mobile: (408) 640-8806
Home: (408) 238-5147
David Ristedt, Safety Director
Office: (408) 262-1418
Mobile: (408) 591-8780
Business Hours
Call the emergency operations center at:
(408) 262-1418 during business hours and identify the call as an emergency call.